Revenue models describe methods of generating profits of an organization. There are various types of revenue models, includes advertising, sales, transaction fee, subscription, affiliate and so forth.

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**Prepared by ShihTing**
Revenue models describe methods of generating profits of an organization. There are various types of revenue models, includes advertising, sales, transaction fee, subscription, affiliate and so forth.
**Prepared by ShihTing**
~In 1998, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) provides fast and always-on Internet service to subscribers across California. This prompts people to spend more time and money to online. E-commerce needed to take four years to develop the security protocols (HTTP) and it which allowed rapid access and connection to the internet.
~In 1999, sold for US $7.5 million to eCompanies and the peer-to-peer filesharing software Napster launches.
In 2000s
~A great number of business companies in the United States and Western Europe represented their services in the World Wide Web (WWW). It changed the meaning of the E-commerce as the process of purchasing of available goods and services over the Internet using secure connections and electronic payment services.
~In 2000, the dot-com bust but the “brick and mortar” retailers recognized the advantages of E-commerce and began to add some capabilities to their web sites. Other than that, U.S government extended the moratorium on Internet taxes.
Recently, we can see that and are very successful in online purchases, it is because the network improvement and it become more safety at online banking.
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Posted by Toh Jin Huey
Nowadays, E-commerce is getting more popular as E-commerce enables the suppliers and consumers to sell or purchase the purchase the products and services. Now, i am going to share some of the benefits by using E-commerce.Cycle time is the total amount of time between the consumer making order and receiving the goods. For example, if the customer wants to make an order, it just need a few seconds. Besides, it only takes 2 or 3 working days for the goods to be delivered to recipient. As E-commerce can reduce the cycle time, it not only can decrease the carrying costs and shrinkage costs, it also can increase the revenue and competitive advantage and improve the cash flow.
Now, let me give you an example of a company - Dell. Dell company having an online shopping without any limited country and also timing, It operates for 24 hours per day and no off day during any public holiday. If you want to buy any product from this company, you no need to think when can buy the product because the transaction is available at all the time. This is not only benefit of E-commerce but also benefit the consumers by giving them a convenience, fastest speed and lowest cost that can reduce the cycle time to process the online shopping.Employees' empowerment becomes a very important issue to an organization producing services. They need to give the employee to have the power to make any decisions regarding their jobs or tasks because this can makes the employees have the responsibility of the quality of service that delivered to the customers. In order for the management to trust that their employees are successful in dealing with their customers, the management has to give the employees authority and support to succeed at it. For example, they should let the employees to respond the feedback or comment that given by the customer.
E-commerce facilitates customer support by providing customer the opportunity to shop more convenient. Other than that, if the customer has any question, they can go through the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section because this section has the answer they wanted. But, if there did not have any answer they want, they can contact the person-in-charge that mention at the contact us or just e-mail to the mail address that given. Besides that, E-commerce provides 24 hours operation. So that, if they get any complaint from the customer, they will use the fastest speed to complete the problem and update the new information to let the customer know about it.
In conclusion, E-commerce has brought many benefits to the consumer such as reducing cycle time, improve employees' empowerment and facilitate customer support during our daily life. Hope everyone can spread it around the world.
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~Post by Wendy Lee~
eBay is a global online marketplace where practically anyone can trade practically anything. Launched in 1995, eBay started as a place to trade collectibles and hard-to-find items.
eBay founded in Pierre Omidyar's San Jose, a computer programmer, wrote the code for an auction website that he ran from his home computer in September 1995. It was from start meant to be a marketplace for the sale of goods and services for individuals.
Today, eBay is the world's largest online community of buyers and sellers. With a global presence in 38 markets, including the US, and over 241 million registered users worldwide, eBay offers boundless opportunity to come together in one Internet site and be able to buy and trade a wide range of items, including fine collectibles. It allows people pursue their interests and their passions in the areas of their hobbies and their collectibles.
eBay has built an online person-to-person trading community on the Internet, using the World Wide Web. Buyers and sellers are brought together in a manner where sellers are permitted to list items for sale, buyers to bid on items of interest and all eBay users to browse through listed items in a fully automated way. The items are arranged by topics, where each type of auction has its own category. It's convenient and easy to be found by people.
eBay has both streamlined and globalized traditional person-to-person trading, which has traditionally been conducted through such forms as garage sales, collectibles shows, flea markets and more, with their web interface. This facilitates easy exploration for buyers and enables the sellers to immediately list an item for sale within minutes of registering.
eBay has done a regular basis to promote eBay, they have had isolated campaigns through radio and print, and they've also done some tradeoffs and some banner ads on other sites. But the really unique thing about eBay is that when compare theirs to traditional businesses or other e-commerce sites, they have done very little external promotion to build membership.
eBay is such a unique community that they've been able to build their membership through the word-of-mouth of their users and they've also attracted new members due to the amount of media attention that has come to the site in the past few years.
Another cause has helped to make eBay as successful as it has been, is that people really enjoy the experience of the shopping bazaar. They enjoy looking around for merchandise. The other component is they really enjoy the competition of the bidding process. Everybody likes to get a bargain, and in some way, shape or form, likes to haggle a little bit over the price. eBay's auction format allows users to do that.
Obviously, people are becoming more and more comfortable with shopping online and they're getting more and more accustomed to doing that. That's another factor why eBay is grateful.
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Posted by Moo Hui Sin